Recharging your Joy
Let’s face it. There are days in life where joy is not just burgeoning at your feet. There are occasions where you don’t even realize that your joy may have played a tiny trick on you and went on a tropical vacation. That does not mean you are not a joyous person or feel full of joy in your life. It just means you’ve just been moving through life’s situations and forgot to put yourself first for a moment.
My son asked me why we decided to have kids. That was an easy answer. I wanted to share my joy and help create joy for someone else. What really is joy and do we just get it bestowed on us?
*According to the Oxford dictionary* joy /joi/ noun – is a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
I wake up everyday with the joy that I am still here. That I have another day to explore what life can give me. I do know that I have periods of joy without pleasure. My many medical issues create a narrative in my life that I do not want to adjust to. That does not bring me pleasure. I tell myself that no matter where I am in life there is always someone who has it far worse than me. I choose to not be defeated by it and find that “feeling of great pleasure and happiness.”
When we have had a period in our life, even a brief or fleeting one that you have lost track of your joy, you must stop and let your soul tell it’s truth. Once you can be completely honest as to why your joy went on it’s little vacation you can actively work to recharge it. It may take a little longer than you anticipated but as long as you work on it everyday it will come back.
You have to want your joy. If you deny yourself the true feeling of great pleasure and happiness that life can offer, your not living your souls truth. Allow it that break it may have needed to recharge your soul. Wake up at the prospect that the day you are about to live may end up leading you to the most amazing adventure you’ve ever been on.